Pneumatic Conveying Elbows for the Heavy Industry
The very nature of heavy industry means that manufacturers’ pneumatic conveying systems go through heavy wear. It’s a challenge to fine-tune your system and ensure that all parts, especially pneumatic conveying elbows, are in constant working order. It’s clearly better to avoid unplanned downtime and the financial and resource cost it incurs. At Progressive Products, we aim to solve your challenges of frequent elbow wear, increase your efficiency and save you time and money.

Heavy Industry Companies Who Use
Pneumatic Conveying Systems
Heavy industry companies using pneumatic conveying systems often have large and heavy equipment and facilities, complicated infrastructure and numerous and complex processes.
There is a wide range of heavy industry companies who rely on pneumatic conveying systems in the manufacturing of their products. Typical manufacturing companies include:
Coal fired power plants • Mining • Cement • Paper mills
Metal recycling • Wastewater treatment plants • Composite products • Chemicals
Materials Used in Heavy Industry Pneumatic Conveying
While the materials used may differ from paper to wood, metal to cement dust, one thing many manufacturing companies have in common is the abrasive substance produced as a by-product of their high-intensity heat manufacturing processes and the materials they are conveying – fly ash. Fly ash is an extremely abrasive thick gray ash with the texture of a heavy residue, and it’s the main culprit in elbow wear and contamination in heavy industry.
Challenges Heavy Industries Have with Pneumatic Conveying Elbows
Abrasive Wear
Due to the nature of fly ash, the main challenge for heavy industries is abrasive wear on their pneumatic conveying elbows. It’s not unknown for a manufacturing company to replace elbows weekly – and sometimes even daily. Obviously, this is not ideal in terms of system downtime, cost and resource.
How Progressive Products Solves Heavy Industry’s Pneumatic
Conveying Elbow Challenges
With Progressive Products, your challenges with pneumatic conveying elbows have various solutions. We want you to have the elbows that are right for your needs, and we’ll talk your requirements through with you in detail before we recommend an elbow product.
With Progressive Product elbows you can save time and money because:
- Elbow life is extended with durable, hard-wearing backings
- In the right application Ceram-Back® elbows can lengthen the life of your bare elbow by 8 or 10 times
- Our Flat-Back cast ceramic tile back elbows can extend the life of a bare elbow by 30-40 times when fitted correctly and used in the right application.
- You will get the proper application with the proper solution for best results, so you won’t have to change your elbows so often
Increasing the Efficiency of Your
Pneumatic Conveying Elbows
What Progressive Products Does Differently
Every time we speak to a new customer, we take them through an in-depth consultation process. We’ll ask questions about your current system, your needs, how long your current elbows last, the pattern of wear, size of material, temperature, and much more.
By going into detail, we can make targeted recommendations for the elbows that are right for you. We can provide information and suggestions for specialty elbows, and with a thorough understanding of your requirements we can save you unplanned system downtime, cost and resource.